Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Still MJ

Gue ngga tau knp, gue lagi suka parah sama lagunya Michael Jackson yg Billie Jean sama You Are Not Alone. Emang sih, rasa suka gue pada lagu2 itu dipengaruhi kematian MJ sendiri, but that's okay, isn't it? Gue ama nyokap bokap tuh lg sering parah banget masang CD-nya MJ plus DVD-nya juga. Pas gue ngedenger suaranya MJ di Man In The Mirror sama Heal The World, gue ngerasa miris banget. Agak agak sedih gitulah.

Dalam pikiran gue, gue ngerasa ngeliat MJ dengan senyumnya (meskipun 'senyum MJ' itu ngga pernah sama dari waktu ke waktu, krn dia cukup sering operasi hingga bentuk wajahnya berubah banget). Tapi dari suaranya dan senyumnya, gue yakin dia orang baik, meskipun seumur hidup gue ngga akan pernah ketemu dia. I'm sure he loved children, and he also wanted to change the world. He faced lots of hard situations, but he survived them all. I'm absolutely sure that he loved his sons and daughter. If he didn't love them, why would Paris cry at his memorial service and said that she loves him so much?

Speaking of his children, I don't know why but somehow I think Janet, MJ's sister, is the most perfect person to be the guardian of the kids. I mean, I know Katherine, MJ's mom, has said that she will take care of the children. And I also know that Diana Ross says that if the kids need her, she will be there for them. But as a 13-year-old girl, there's one question that lies inside my brain about Katherine and Ross: They're too old to be the guardian, right? I mean, Janet's still quite young, and I believe she could be a good guardian for Prince, Paris, and Blanket.

Dearest MJ, you might never know me, and we've never met each other either. But I want you to know that I'll always love you. You're a great entertainer, and no one could ever sing your songs better than you. You're irreplaceable. MJ, we'll always remember you. You're gone too soon, Michael.

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