Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Hello people!

Hai teman2! Sudah lama tidak berblog ria haha. Dulu pdhl gue sering bgt loh ngeblog. Hmmm gue skrg udah jd siswa kelas XB SMA Labschool Kebayoran! :D ternyata di labschool seru loh meskipun............. PELAJARANNYA OMAIGAT LO HARUS TAU ITU MINTA DIAPAIN!!! *lebay*

Nah sekarang gue seringnya di kelas main bersama Putimas dan Nadya Zafira hoho. Mereka membuat saya tergelak-gelak setiap harinya (pasti pada gatau tergelak artinya apa). Terus mmmm sekarang gue lagi dlm masa transisi antara SMP dan SMA. Gue ngerasa masih sangat labil. Butuh pegangan.

Oh ya gatau kenapa gue lagi pengeeeeen banget punya kakak cowok atau adek. Adek sih mau cowok atau cewek terserah aja, tp pengen bgt punya kakak cowok yg baik, sayang, perhatian, dan menyebalkan juga. :_( nasib jadi anak tunggal. Hmm udh dulu aja kali ya post yg ini, mau belajar hihi. Eh ya aku mau bikin tumblr deh sepertinya, soalnya tumblr lebih gaul wkwk.

Bye, people! Lovelovelove

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010


Di usia gue yang hampir lima belas, gue juga menyadari bahwa gue berubah, secara fisik maupun mental. Perubahan fisik adalah perubahan yang paling bisa diprediksi. Seperti anak-anak cewek lainnya, gue mulai menstruasi. Menarche gue pun di usia yang menurut gue cukup pas: sebelas tahun. Hampir dua belas malah. Dan gue pun sebenernya seneng karena pas masuk SMP, pas masih kelas tujuh, ada banyak juga anak cewek yang lagi dapet. Ini membuat gue lebih pede dengan kedewasaan gue, bahwa ternyata ngga cuma gue yang udah dapet.

Perubahan mental adalah sesuatu yang susah diprediksi. Di saat kelas tujuh, gue lumayan labil. Gue berubah. Ada sifat-sifat buruk yang akhirnya gue miliki. Dan gue tidak bangga dengan itu. Gue bermasalah dengan kakak kelas. Gue bermasalah dengan teman-teman gue sendiri. Dan itulah awal proses pencarian jati diri gue.

Di kelas tujuh, gue mulai gebet-menggebet. Buat temen-temen deket gue, mereka tau siapa yang gue gebet dulu. Gebetan serius pertama gue adalah seorang kakak kelas. Oke, gue jadi curcol. Tapi yaudahlah. Toh ini di blog, wajar kalo gue mencurahkan isi hati gue. Si kakak kelas ini, menurut gue, sangat ganteng dan sangat.... keren. Dan jujur saja, selama suka dengan dia, gue punya imajinasi-imajinasi yang bersifat sangat anak sekolahan. Kayak tiba-tiba kita kenalan entah gimana ceritanya, terus jadi deket, terus jadian, terus akhirnya gue dikenal sama kakak kelas lain sebagai "pacarnya si cowok ganteng yang populer". Ya, itulah fantasi gue. Sangat anak sekolahan.

Jujur aja, selama gue suka dengan dia, gue jadi termotivasi melakukan banyak hal. Mungkin nilai pelajaran gue tidak sebagus teman-teman gue. Mungkin penampilan fisik gue yang sangat Cina tidak akan menarik perhatian dia. Tetapi dia membuat gue pengen melakukan sesuatu selama di SMP. Dia membuat gue bersemangat ke sekolah, dan dia membuat gue bersemangat mengikuti LDKS, Orientasi, lalu akhirnya gue terpilih jadi calon pengurus OSIS. Dia membuat gue termotivasi mendapatkan jabatan yang sebenernya memang sudah gue inginkan sejak dulu: sekretaris umum. Dan meskipun akhirnya gue tidak mendapatkan jabatan itu, gue senang bahwa gue pernah mencoba mendapatkannya. Dan sampai saat ini, gue bersyukur atas semua itu.

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010


This is a poem I wrote related to the anarchy I saw on TV. Couldn't we treat diversity with love? Should differences be something that makes us do bad things to others? I believe we could treat diversity with love, and I believe we should treat everyone nicely, even though we are all different.

There are things we cannot avoid

That comes from diversity
That should be treated with love
Could we fix it,
The youth and the energetic?

All of us are special
In a creative, beautiful, different way
Us complete each other
Hold hands, not looking at diversity

Why do you tear us apart?
For God created us all the same
Breathe the same air
Stand on the same earth

A memory came to my mind
Of what happened years ago
In unity we hold each other
Respect, love, and confidence
We are all together, no matter what
They wanted to help us
Though nobody thought they wanted to
Did you see that?
Could you feel it?

So why do you break us apart?

Speechless - Improvised Lyrics

I wrote the Lady Gaga song Speechless in a different way. In a way that could express myself. NO ONE may copy this and claim that this is the product of their creativity other than me and/or Lady Gaga herself. And no one may sing this improvised lyrics without my knowledge and permission.

I can't believe what you said to me
Last night we were alone
"He threw his hands up
Baby he gave up, he gave up"

I can't believe how you looked at me
With your eyes in confidence
In your tight jeans, with your long hair
And your eyes behind the glass

"Could we fix her if she broke?"
But is your punch line just a joke?

I'll never talk again
Oh, boy you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless, so speechless
Will I ever love again?
Oh boy you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless, so speechless

I can't believe how you talked to me
With your lips in cherry red
You popped my heart seams
All of my bubble dreams, bubble dreams

I can't believe what you did with them
Though we could see the outcome
He's gonna get you and after he's through
There's gonna be no love left to rye

And I know that it's complicated
But I'm a loser in love, so baby
Raise a glass to mend
All the broken hearts of
All my wrecked up friends

I'll never talk again
Oh, boy you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless, so speechless
Will I ever love again?
Oh friend you've left me speechless
You've left us speechless, so speechless

And after all the fuss and the muse that we've been through
Would you give it all up?
Could I give it all up for you?

And after all the boys and the girls that we've been through
Would you give it all up?
Could you give it all up?
If I promise, boy to you

That I'll never talk again
And I'll try to love again
I'll keep to write a song
Will always sing a long
I'll try to love again

So speechless
You've left me speechless
So speechless

Will we ever talk again?
Oh, boy, why you so speechless?
You've left us speechless, so speechless

Some fuss may come and go
But you choose not to tell me
Why you so speechless?
Oh oh oh