Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008

my superhero

I guess after all this time, I realize that my superhero and my idol is my mom. Nggak hanya karena Nyokap yang ngelahirin gue dan ngebesarin gue, tapi untuk segalanya, she really is my hero.

She raised me alone since I was 9, because my dad left us to go to Kendari for some business trip in 3 years. My mom's amazing. She succeed in raising me and rising up her career. She did a great job in everything. I guess my mom was born to be a supergirl, wonder woman, or whatsoever the name is. She excels in her studies when she was still a schoolgirl, and she has a great job at the office. And this is the coolest part of her:

She could handle her emotions nicely. She could handle my dad's so uncool behaviours, like his uncontrollable anger, and his badmood. She could also handle my a little bit bad behaviours. And she's amaaaaaaaaziiing! I'm telling you, she's the best mom I've ever known in my life.

I love you so much Mom! :)

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