Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

Every Name's Got Their Own Story

Most people are proud of their names, are they not? Even if their name is a very common name like (no offense) Nisa, Adit, Kate, John, blablabla. But each name gives something to the holder. Even aliases also give the holder something. Like when you nickname someone with 'Bluebell', I believe there must be something that makes you name him/her 'Bluebell', no matter how silly the reason is. I'm sorry if I put the name 'Lady Fafa' here, but surely I have a reason.

I believed I had something with me, and although that 'thing' wasn't too powerful or such, it existed. I told about it to some of my friends, and one of my friends went: "God, that was pretty cool! I guess you should have a new name. Like Madam Sahara or such." Then she said that I could use the name 'Lady Fafa', so it happened. I liked it, though, albeit the name looked as if I was a Lady Gaga wannabe. But, hey, isn't it better to admit that you ARE following someone's style than not admitting so? At least that means you're honest to yourself and everyone.

I had this very weird habit of giving aliases to people. Well, it was pretty useful, actually, when you wanted to talk about someone but not wanting that one to know. Some aliases I created were: Excel, Bernie, SKSD, Cutie, Albino, Planet, Pohon, S-Tee, etc. There are too many of aliases I made, thus I could not put them all here, could I? And, like the title, every name's got their own story. It goes the same way with aliases. Why did I nickname someone with Excel? Or Albino? Or even Cutie (which is pretty lame)? Well, I can't tell you. The history of the names are quite complicated, so I think it is wise for me not to tell you all. But one thing's for sure: I believe that every name is special, so be proud of your name. Your mom and dad wouldn't have given you your name without any special meanings, would they? All parents want the best for their children.

P.S.: Does the nickname COFFEE sound good? xoxo

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